
Hi there. I am an avid Artist going by the name of Sam and I'm currently a Freelance Animator. I love what I do.
I get so excited when I get the chance to breath life into a character. To make someone laugh, cry, get angry just by looking at the moving images has always fascinated me.
I started out pursuing the fine arts and had a 2 month course in 2D character animation at Brokenhurst college. I have always loved watching animated movies but had no idea how they worked or how I would begin to create one. But after that 2 months I fell in love with the experience and continued for the next 2 years with animation.
I met and fell in love with a beautiful Danish girl and from there I found this animation school, then work. I am currently living in Denmark. My main pursuit is animation but I also really like to rig. I like to draw and do post-its (<-- my inspiration) in my spare time. I share a webcomic with my friend Mark.

My dream is to one day be remembered for being part of an amazing movie/game.